The Apache Software Foundation

Community > Code

If you are looking for speakers for an event, or are a speaker looking for materials, this is the place for you.

If you are seeking to organise an Apache-branded event, you must ensure your activities conform to the Third Party Event Branding Policy. Once you have verified you are in conformance, please consider adding your event to the events calendar.

Finding speakers

You can use our “Find People” application to find speakers willing and able to talk about The Apache Software Foundation and its projects. A few people have shared Apache related presentations for you.

NOTE This service is alpha-quality right now, and features only some of the many volunteer speakers from Apache projects. If you have a problem with it, or it doesn’t turn up a suitable candidate, feel free to contact us for help (see below).

Listing yourself as a potential speaker

If you’re an Apache committer, and you’re interested in speaking about Apache Projects, our Communities, or the Apache Software Foundation as a whole, we encourage you to get involved: list yourself in our speaker application!

For more details on how to list yourself as a potential speaker, see the Apache Speakers WebApp page.

Speaker support materials

If you are creating your own slides, you will find the ASF Press Kit useful. It contains logos in various formats. We also have sample themes available.

We aim to collect a set of slide decks about the Apache Software Foundation for reuse in presentations. So far A few people have shared Apache related presentations for you. If you have a slide deck under a permissive license that talks about Apache communities, best practices, or the like (i.e. one that is applicable to more than just one project at Apache), please email us and suggest we include your slides.