The Apache Software Foundation
Community > Code
If you’re an Apache committer interested in speaking about Apache Technologies, Apache Projects or the Apache Software Foundation as a whole, we encourage you to get involved and list yourself in our speaker application!
Finding Speakers ¶
If you are organising an event and looking for speakers, see the Apache Speakers homepage for details.
Listing yourself as a potential speaker ¶
To list yourself as someone interested in being an Apache speaker, there are two steps. The first is to create a FOAF (“friend of a friend”) file for yourself that includes a couple of key pieces of information. The second is to list yourself in the speaking DOAP (“description of a project”) file.
Creating your FOAF file ¶
If you do not already have a FOAF file for yourself, creating one is very easy. Details on how to create a FOAF file, along with a handy wizard to guide you through the process, are available at
Since you are a potential speaker we do require you to include a few key bits of information in the FOAF file. These are:
- Your location
- The projects you are involved in (include foundation-wide ones, too, if you’re happy to talk about these)
- Your Twitter ID (so we can point people at your speaking history on Lanyrd)
Listing yourself in the Speakers DOAP file ¶
If you haven’t already done so, check out the committers directory from svn:
svn co
Edit local-outreach/ApacheSpeakers.rdf
and add yourself in as a
helper. If your FOAF file is in svn and showing up on,
add in:
<foaf:Person rdf:resource="urn:org:apache:[your username].rdf" />
If you have your FOAF file externally hosted, the rdf:resource should point to the URL of the file.
For an apache committer with username “foo”, your entry would be one of:
<foaf:Person rdf:resource="urn:org:apache:foo.rdf" />
<foaf:Person rdf:resource="" />
Within 24 hours of committing your addition to local-outreach/ApacheSpeakers.rdf, you should appear in the web application as a potential speaker! Head over to a day later to confirm that you’re listed properly.